Kohl's Prepare Me
Email, Direct Mail, and Offer Envelope Design
Incorporating Kohl's new branding when refreshing emails and direct mailers that will inform back book private label credit card (PLCC) customers about the transition to Capital One co-branded (CBCC) or private label credit card products.
Strived for clean and airy layouts that kept information easily digestible for a quick read.
Associate Creative Director: Stephanie Mack
Senior Art Director: Sarah Chiu
Copywriter: Alexa Doiron
Account Director: Sosy Bourojian
Graphic Designer II: Jennifer Lee

PLCC Email

Cobrand Email

PLCC Form Letter Front

PLCC Form Letter Back 1

PLCC Form Letter Back 2

CBCC Form Letter Front

CBCC Form Letter Back 1

CBCC Form Letter Back 2

PLCC Outer Envelope

CBCC Outer Envelope

Inside Pattern